The passing of a loved one can take an emotional toll. The grieving process can be even more challenging when you have to worry about legal processes like resolving an estate. Even with a comprehensive plan for the distribution of assets in place, the process of administering an estate can be challenging—especially without the guidance of a knowledgeable attorney.
A Somerset estate administration lawyer could assist with meeting every requirement during the probate process. From collecting property to ensuring it is distributed appropriately, our compassionate estate planning attorneys are here to support you. We also offer a range of workshops and legal resources to help you navigate the unexpected.
Every estate must have an administrator to ensure the probate process goes smoothly. A decedent’s will typically nominates an administrator or personal representative for their estate, but the Orphan’s Court makes the final decision on who this person will be.
As a knowledgeable attorney could further explain, an estate administrator in Somerset has several different responsibilities. An administrator must protect the value of the estate while working to distribute its assets to the selected beneficiaries. They must also pay any creditors, resolve any tax obligations, and remain transparent about dealings throughout the probate process.
An administrator has different tools available to them to achieve these goals. They can make decisions regarding estate assets to protect their value. They typically have the power to open bank accounts for the purposes of estate administration. Administrators can also issue payments from estate funds to pay creditors or cover tax debts.
The power of an administrator is not unlimited, however. Someone executing an estate plan is required to avoid self-dealing and must act in the estate’s best interests. Failing to follow these requirements can have serious consequences for the administrator and the estate they are responsible for.
The obligations of an estate administrator are significant, and the consequences of any mistakes can be severe. Plenty of things can go wrong, especially when an administrator is careless or inattentive. Fortunately, a Somerset attorney could assist with every aspect of estate administration.
One of the most important things our attorneys can offer you as an estate administrator is seasoned legal counsel. Making decisions related to someone else’s estate can be difficult, especially for someone without experience in this area of the law. An attorney could ensure that you avoid common legal pitfalls common during the probate period. For example, an attorney could assist with resolving disputes or challenges from creditors.
Another complex issue that can come up during the administration process is navigating an estate’s tax obligations. Filing tax returns and paying for any tax obligations can be especially challenging. A dedicated attorney could provide legal resources and guidance to help an administrator make informed decisions about an estate throughout every step of the probate process.
The role of an estate administrator is an important one. The estate’s creator put their trust in you to carry out their final wishes. Both creditors and beneficiaries alike rely on your judgment. Given the high stakes, you deserve legal counsel that could help you succeed in this role.
A Somerset estate administration lawyer could provide the support you need during this complex process. Reach out to the skilled attorneys at Sechler Law Firm, LLC, to learn more.