Does someone in your family need care? Do you want to better understand the confusing care options? Do you want to learn about payment sources like Medicaid?

If this describes your situation, you are not alone. Many families become overwhelmed by the confusing and fragmented health care system. At Sechler Law Firm, we frequently advise families on how to get the proper care in the most affordable manner possible. Attorney Tim Sechler is one of the region’s few certified elder law attorneys. He and his team have helped hundreds of families with elder law planning in situations similar to yours.

In fact, helping families like yours is the reason our firm exists. Tim started the firm after watching his grandfather go through a difficult battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. Our goal is to protect assets while adding clarity to the confusing health care system.

We are one of the region’s only Life Care Planning law firms. Life Care Planners recognize you can’t make care decisions without considering the legal and financial implications of the care. We have a team of elder law professionals, including an experienced social worker and attorneys, who help you find the right care while considering payment options like Medicaid. We are your tour guides through the long-term-care maze.

Is Life Care Planning Right For You?

Cranberry Township elder law crisis planning lawyers could explain the various types of care and the government programs, like Veterans’ Benefits and Medicaid, that can help finance the expenses. We provide Medicaid Spend Down advice and work with you through the stressful Medicaid application process.

With nursing home expenses exceeding $14,000 per month, time is of the essence. We are typically able to schedule a meeting within 72 hours of your call. We handle these cases on a flat fee basis and the first meeting is always free. Call now to schedule your meeting.

If you need more information, Check Out Our Medicaid Planning Guide.

Medicaid Planning All You Need To Know About Medicaid Planning Download