
Moving Forward After Losing A Spouse

April is Worldwide Bereaved Spouses Awareness Month. This brings attention to an emotional challenge that many of us will eventually encounter: the loss of a life partner. It’s a difficult transition, and no matter how well-prepared we might think we are, the reality is always tough. Not only is there the emotional adjustment, but also the practical and necessary steps to take on the legal and financial front. However, this may all be overwhelming in a time of grief.

Navigating One Day at a Time

Taking things one day at a time is not just a saying — it’s a strategy. Addressing each task individually can transform what feels like an insurmountable mountain into a series of manageable steps.

Here are Practical Steps to Help Simplify Your Path:
  1. Review Your Estate Plan: Life has changed, and so should your estate plan. It needs to reflect your current situation and wishes accurately.
  2. Update Beneficiaries: Now’s the time to review and adjust beneficiary designations on life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other financial assets.
  3. Financial Overview: With the change in household income, it’s important to understand how this impacts your current financial planning and future needs.
  4. Appoint Trusted Individuals: If your spouse was acting as your Power of Attorney or healthcare decision-maker, identify someone you trust to take on these roles.
  5. Seek Understanding Guidance: You need more than just technical advice during this time. Our team offers compassionate support to help you navigate these changes, not just on paper, but in life.

Whether you’re swamped with the kids, or eyeing retirement, every step you take in planning ahead is a leap towards a secure future. We’re here to walk with you through each of these steps. When you’re ready, reach out to us for the help you need to secure a stable and reassuring future. Call us at 724 841 1393 or email