Cranberry Township Estate Planning Lawyer

Most estate plans focus on answering the question: “Who gets my stuff when I pass away?”. That’s obviously an important question, but it’s not the only important question. At the Sechler Law Firm, we take care to make sure we answer other important questions like: “How do I protect my house from the nursing home?” or “How do I set up a trust to protect my children?”.

We’ve found that most of our clients want a real plan for how to protect their finances, family, and legacy. They want to know what will happen if they encounter an untimely death, illness, or disability. Good people eventually have to deal with bad situations, like an unexpected disability or death. At the Sechler Law Firm, we believe that people don’t spend decades saving and raising children just to have it all destroyed by things like taxes, nursing home costs, or improper planning for young children. That shouldn’t happen.

Planning for Seniors

Welcome to the Golden Years — a time of retirement, grandchildren, and the desire to leave a legacy. Financially, you are likely living off of your retirement savings and want to make sure that the funds lasts as long as you do. If you have friends who have needed long term care, you probably saw how it affected their family. You may be considering shifting some control and decision making over your finances to your children. Your biggest financial threats are taxes and the potential need for long term care, which can cost $100,000 per year. If you’ve heard about Medicaid’s five year lookback period, you’ll want to know your options for creating an estate plan in Cranberry Township.

Planning for Established Families

Established families may be experiencing career maturity and have children reaching adulthood. Hopefully, you have achieved financial stability. You may be retired or can see retirement on the horizon.

If your children have reached adulthood, you may be considering naming them as back-up decision makers in your estate plan. Many established families have children who move back in. Perhaps you are caring for an aging parent.

If you have friends and family members who have had unfortunate health changes, you may be concerned about how a health event such as a heart attack or a stroke would affect your loved one’s ability to maintain an enjoyable retirement. While you may want to remain in control of your assets, you need to have a strong back up plan. Let a local lawyer help protect your family and your assets in a comprehensive estate plan.

Planning for Young Families

Young families’ lives are highlighted by new careers, young marriages, first homes, and perhaps young children.

From a financial standpoint, you may be paying off student debt, buying a first home and maximizing your 401k or IRA, or planning for your kids’ education and trying to give them the best head start possible. A large focus of your estate planning will likely be protecting your children and ensuring that they would be provided for in the event of an untimely death or disability.

A paramount issue, if you have children, is to understand who will step into your shoes in the event of an accident. At your initial meeting, our Cranberry Township attorneys may discuss naming guardians for your kids and how any inheritance should best be administered in an estate plan. We could also discuss the coordination of your life insurance and financial accounts to ensure your wishes are carried out.

We know young families are busy, so we created an at-home course for you to become educated and create your plan. It’s called the Life & Legacy Course and is designed for young families. Click here to begin your plan: Then a button for the link to the Life & Legacy Course landing page.