Both Josh and Tim are Elder Law Attorneys and friends and recently connected for a conversation on Tim’s Radio Show. (Click here to listen).
They were discussing the fact that Elder law does not accurately describe what an elder law attorney really does. Josh represents Nelson Elder Care Law, which is the largest Elder Law and Estate Planning firm in Georgia.
Josh believes that people think elder care law is only for old people, but the majority of clients are in their mid-50’s. Elder Care Law is the practice of helping people to protect assets against future creditors and medical expenses.
Don’t Assume Medicare covers Everything
It is unfortunate that most people believe Medicare covers so much more than it does, and as a result they don’t properly plan for a better future as they age. Tim shared that when families reach out to him, he asks what their goals are. Many say that they want to save money on taxes or want to avoid probate. They believe that the death taxes are going to be the main issue with their estate, but what they should plan for is if they get sick before they die. People often only want a Will to take care of what happens when they die, and they don’t consider what would happen if they, or their spouse gets sick and needs long-term care. More than providing the legal ‘tools’ such as Power of Attorney, Trusts and Wills, an Elder Care Lawyer gives guidance, and helps families with planning.
Need an Elder Care Attorney?
When it comes to finding an Elder Care Attorney, look a firm that cares about you and your family. This firm will be looking to have an ongoing relationship with you, rather than just a transaction. At Sechler Law Firm we care about helping you, to make sure that your plan works the way it is supposed to work. We don’t use a ‘one-size-fits-all’ set of documents – the documents are customized for each client. If it is your wish to stay in your home, we ensure that you can do so. Similarly, should you need care in a skilled nursing facility or assisted living, we help you to find the care best suited for your needs, and position you well financially so your funds are not drained.
A Nursing Home Admission is a Legal Problem
Families don’t like to ask for help when they need to put a loved in a nursing home. Unfortunately, they don’t realize a nursing home admission is a ‘legal’ problem. When people think of anything legal, they associate it with the courthouse or documents. With Elder Care Law, documents are only a part of the legal process. The services that Josh, and Tim independently offer include education, financial and tax advice, as well as healthcare decision making. They focus on long-term care planning so that people get the care they need to meet their goals, without going broke in the process. Communication with the family is important, so the family understands the roles they will need to fill when necessary. If a family member is appointed Power of Attorney, they need to know what should be done if their loved one becomes incapacitated.
Be Careful Who You Listen To
While nursing home admissions can be an emotional, stressful and confusing time, the family often feels embarrassed asking for help. Perhaps it is because they feel they are letting their family member down by admitting them to a nursing home. When families ask for advice on Medicaid eligibility, they are often told they do not qualify. As a result the family ends up paying privately for care in a nursing home for their loved one. They pay until they become broke, and unfortunately they were not aware of their options to protect assets. It is a shame that staff at many nursing homes don’t know that we as Elder Care Lawyers can help families.
Having seen the need to provide education to the nursing home staff, Tim and Josh are working closely with the nursing homes. Without these nursing homes providing care, so many elderly people would be displaced and not be taken care of. It is important for elder care lawyers to maintain a good relationship with the nursing home staff. By working closely, we are better able to help families.
What an Elder Care Attorney can do to Help You
If you need our help, you can be assured that we are on your side. We will guide you to know which documents to sign and what you need to do. We like to take the stress off a family when they are going through a difficult time in their lives.
When a family has lost a loved one, it is so rewarding when we can help the family. To see their relief and appreciation ,when they see how smoothly the estate administration process goes, makes it all so worthwhile.
Contact Us
If you would like to know more, please come to one of our workshops in both Cranberry Township, and New Castle. You can register for a workshop on our website here. We offer a free consultation once you have attended the workshop, so that we can ascertain how to help you.