With it being the start of a new year, it is a time when we hit the reset button and move onto a new chapter. However, before we immerse ourselves in the activities of a new year, perhaps we ought to take a moment to reflect on the many awesome things we can be grateful for this past year. I’m not a big believer in New Years Resolutions since I believe it is more valuable to look back on a year, and take lessons from what didn’t work, as well as any accomplishments. We can take those lessons and make the necessary changes to work towards having a better year.
Reflecting on the Past Year
For some people, looking back on the year may be difficult, especially for those who have lost loved ones, or those who had marital and or financial difficulties. Even if you haven’t had any challenges this past year, unfortunately life throws us curveballs and making a plan to deal with life’s challenges should be a priority for us all. We don’t like to think about death or disability, but I urge you to think about getting an estate plan. If you end up in a situation, resulting in your disability or death, you want to know there is a plan in place, not merely a document.
Why I Do What I Do
I started this law firm which focusses on Estate Planning and Elder Law, because I wanted to help people avoid bad outcomes. People don’t work their whole life to save money, raise families, and go to work every day to build a nest egg, only to lose it all to probate expenses, taxes and nursing homes. With proper planning, you can avoid these things. Our team at Sechler Law Firm is committed to helping people, to ensure the last chapter of their lives is a good one, so they are able to leave a legacy.
This past year we helped over 400 families with their legal needs, and we are humbled by the lives we’ve touched. Before they came to us, these families did not have estate plans in place. People are now doing more planning for their families which is encouraging. Many of the families we helped, had a family member who was receiving long term care in a nursing home. The families were spending a fortune on their loved one’s care. At a cost of $15,000 per month, many families are ill-prepared to pay so much for any length of time.
The nursing homes don’t want families to go broke, but they also need to be paid. As a result, we get referrals from the nursing homes for families needing our help. These families need assistance in becoming eligible for Medicaid. This is the only government programme available to pay for the care. We are able to help protect families assets, and avoid them going broke.
Need to Update Your Plan?
Maybe you are wanting to update your estate plan, as it’s been many years since you did a Will? Now that you are retired, perhaps you have decided you want to put a plan in place. If this is you, we urge you not to attempt to do DIY estate planning. You need to get the education first. One of the reasons that estate plans fail, is because people don’t understand their options. They also do not have sufficient knowledge of how to use the estate planning ‘tools’.
Come to Our Workshops
This is why we at Sechler Law Firm are committed to continue offering our Estate Planning and Elder Law Workshops. To plan well for your family, you need to get the education first. Some people believe they just need a Will, but a Will is just one component of an Estate Plan. At our workshops, we talk to you about what you want to accomplish. We tell you about Wills, Powers of Attorney and Trusts. We will explain why you should consider using a specific tool. We’ll talk to you about taxes, the nursing home and Medicaid. We will also tell you how to leave an inheritance for your kids.
In 2022 we did over 50 Estate Planning Workshops and were able to provide education for many people, who were then able to make informed decisions and create great estate plans with us.
Education is Key
We realise that at some workshops, companies may offer a consultation at a discounted rate. However, we know that after an hour long workshop, you cannot make effective estate planning decisions. This is why we like to offer you more free education with the many free resources available on our website. These resources include blog articles, videos and downloadable guides which will help guide you to make good decisions.
Come along to one of our workshops to learn more. Let that commitment be the cause leading to the effect of having a plan that will work well for you family. You can register for the workshops on our website. Visit sechlerlawfirm.com/workshops or call 724 546 4227.
Last but not least, my team at Sechler and I, wish you all the best for 2023! I hope it is an awesome year for you!